Monday, March 19, 2007


I've worked on nothing else for a week now but the wrteched Cert Min file. For what they're worth, here are some reflections which I hope will be acceptable to the C of E assessor:

My Myers Briggs type was returned as ENTJ. The test results (see enclosed) showed that I am very strongly extrovert (E), rather than introverted (I), have a strong preference for intuition (N) over sensing (S), some preference for thinking (T) over feeling and a slight preference for judging (J) over perceiving (P).

Though I sometimes felt through the process that the profile summaries were a bit like horoscopes, where everyone can see something relevant to them, I think the ENTJ summary is probably appropriate for me.

I certainly enjoy a good argument and like a lively conversation. It is fair to say I am often energised by interaction with others. I like to work out ideas by talking and am happy with theory / abstract ideas or a certain amount of speculation. I think I am easily frustrated by things that I think are illogical or inefficient and would be inclined to try to change them. I value being analytical and objective. I have a preference for order and organisation, though my desk can sometimes be messy and I can be a bit last minute at times. I like thinking about things and enjoy both the big picture and practical changes when I think they make a difference, but I can be dismissive of what I might regard as irrelevant or unimportant details or boring tasks. I tend to be quite task / outcome / “bottom line” oriented.

Some of the potential weaknesses of ENTJs rang bells too: I think I can sometimes be inclined to be critical of others and a bit too pushy, overpowering or impatient. I sometimes feel someone needs to take charge and I might risk being dictatorial in some situations over some issues with some people and not taking sufficient account of their feelings. I need to work hard at listening to others and being heard / seen to listen too.


  1. What WOULD be interesting would be to see whether most of your fellow candidates are similar and in what areas.

    When we had a conference on this personality stuff in Sydney for post-ordination training, it was amazing how many people were variations of TJ. I thought it was hilarious that the ENTJ people especially were very critical of doing the whole thing. They thought it was a waste of time! We ENFP's kinda enjoyed it, so long as no-one asked us to make as decision.

  2. Yes, I agree it would be interesting to know what the patterns are at Oak Hill, amongst ordiands and in ministry etc.

    I'm afraid I can't remember any thing much about our group. I should have written all this up a while back! And I guess the numbers are too small to be statistically significant?

    I think most of the faculty were pretty strongly introverted grumpy types.

    Apparently a US survey found that 16 % of the general population is NT; 18% is NF. 4% are ENTJs and 10% are ENFPs.

    INFJ is the least common (2%) and ESTJ the most common (15%) in the US.

    Right, back to Cert Min.........

  3. Except Garry, who came out as an E.
