Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cert Min File

We have this thing at Oak Hill called the "Cert. Min. [Certificate of Ministry] File" what we've got to complete as part of our training in preparation for ordained ministry in the C of E, full of reports and assignments and all that.

Okay, the truth is that mine should be basically complete and its not quite there yet. Understatement.

But, come on! Is this really what we want? Is this what the pastoral epistles envisage? Did Titus issue prospective deacons with a ring binder and some plastic wallets and tell them that they's get a distinction if, for example, they'd included a fully cross referenced index? Was Augustine dragged to his ordination with an assessment form from his residential block placement in a churchmanship of another tradition?

I admit there may be an element of personal bias here, but wouldn't a reccomendation from some elders be better?

Anway, back to how my community survey project in Dagenham '05 might inform my future ministry and the implications of my Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator. Perhaps ENTJ's just aren't suited to Cert Min, though lets pray that doesn't enirely disqualify them from all Min.


  1. Take heart! I still vividly remember Matt Fuller phoning Ceri at lunchtime of the day they were due in to dig up various bits of paper, and then looking round saying 'I need to find a church leader to interview.' As I recall he got a Merit for his. Unlike Andrew McClellan (girly swot that he is) who got a Distinction.

    Though not everyone finds theirs useful in ministry. When I worked on reception a couple of years ago, I cleared out the old NTMTC pigeonholes and all the junk that had collected in the area, including a 10-yr-old Cert Min file covered in about 3 inches of dust.

  2. Anonymous11:31 pm

    well you should have been an independent then!

  3. Anonymous1:25 pm

    Dear Mr. Lloyd,

    Our names are James Schooley and James Netto and we are Upper Sixth pupils at Westcliff High School for Boys. We are currently in the process of creating a yearbook for pupils who joined the school in 2000 and are leaving in June after A2 Levels. As part of our yearbook project, we are seeking out teachers who have been particularly memorable to us during our seven year stay at Westcliff in the hope that they might agree to provide a comment and recent photograph to wish leavers the best for the future. This is something that has never been done in any past yearbooks and we can assure you that we have gone to great lengths searching for you on Google for the past few evenings!

    We eventually stumbled across your blog and photo page and were particularly pleased to see how successful you have been since you left Westcliff. Congratulations on getting married and getting a PhD! The vast majority of our year has matured and we are ready to move onto to the next stage of our lives; university for most of us! We want to create the best yearbook yet to provide people with some great memories of the school to take away with them. We know that you are a particularly memorable former member of staff, and hence we would be delighted if you would do us the honour of providing a brief comment about your memories of the school and the class of 2000.

    If so, please could you email us at jamesnetto@bluebottle.com, as any correspondence would be greatly appreciated. We hope this is not too much to ask!

    Thank you in advance,

    James Netto and James Schooley
    Class of 2000 Yearbook Committee

  4. Actually, alot of people don't know about Augustine's ringbinder...

    ...and he was an ENFP as all the best people are.

  5. We know that you are a particularly memorable former member of staff

    Marc, what did you do to those boys?

  6. Interestingly Edwards spent 6 weeks of his final year at Yale visiting liberal churches in Boston and reflecting on their contribution to the life of the church. I think the notes are somewhere in volume 28 of his works.

  7. Michael, fascinating. Thank you. But I bet he didnt have to get his reflections signed by his tutour, or number all the pages or....

    Oh, I know, give it a rest, and get in with it, Lloyd...


  8. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Thanks for the reminder Marc. I'll dig mine out - I vaguely recall that I might have put something useful in there. I've not referred to it once in 20 months in parish, but you never know. Maybe there's a spare set of index cards.

  9. Neil, the very idea that one might keep up one's cert min file after who ever has to tick it off has ticked it off is an amazing one!

    Maybe you should write up your reflections on how reflecting on your cert min file will be reflected in your ministry and then...
