Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What's the Supper saying?

At least ever since the Church Father, Bishop Augustine of Hippo, Christians have spoken of the Lord’s Supper as a visible word. In this meal we hear and look at, and touch and eat the Word.

So if the Supper is a word, what is it saying? Who is saying what to whom?

First and above all, the Supper is God’s Word to us. It is the promise of the gospel. God says “Jesus Christ” to us. It is a word of favour and grace. The word of Life and Truth. God is renewing his covenant with us here, pledging himself to be faithful to the gospel for us.

But second, and less importantly, the Supper is also our word to God. We say “thank you” to God here, we ask for his help and we pledge again our loyalty to Him and his covenant.

Perhaps we might even ask what words, what documents, the Supper is like.

Its most like the Bible: it is God’s word and man’s word. A truthfull and unfailing word of promise about Jesus.

It is also a love letter.

And a treaty.

And a Father’s instruction.

It is the Word made flesh made bread.

Let us now eat the Word.

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