Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What I read today

Today I left for the library before 10am and left for home after 7pm and all I managed to read was:

The back of Stanley Fish, Is There A Meaning In This Text? and about 5pp of it, on the tube

The contents page of 3 books (Derrida, Saussure and Ricoeur)

Preface, Introduction and 24pp of Paul Ricouer, Interpretation Theory

That’s about 4 proper pages an hour. At that rate…

Not very good, eh?

Ruddy note taking. And ruddy blogging and email and cafĂ© and day dreaming and even texting and …


  1. Anonymous10:31 pm

    Brother Marc, you wrote more on your blog today than you read for your PhD!

  2. Was there a meaning in the text?

  3. Lee,

    well, I did type out most of the pages I read! And I hope some of the blog stuff might make it into the PhD. Perhaps what I read is a really good editor!


    For Fish, I think maybe a bit but probably not: its all about the authority of interpretive communities: there are meanings for us which we construct / limit. No doubt Vanhoozer would set me right. I did love Fish's writing, though. I reckon there's a reason why you keep seeing things like this footnoted. Ricouer was very good too.
