Wednesday, February 07, 2007

This essay will argue that...

I nearly always put my academic work in the passive voice, which can be tiresome. As Wittgenstein said:

“At some point you have to speak in the first person…”

(Wittgenstien, quoted in Rhees 1984:206)


  1. It is also generally recognised that the passive voice ups the word count without adding value to the content. Which is why I rarely use it. Plus I also feel I want to express ownership of what I write - the passive voice seems a bit too easy to hide behind.

  2. I see all that. But I'm not sure I really like "I" or "we". What do you go for, Ros? "I", I guess from what you've said. And "me"? Do you think this sounds too much like idiosynchrasy / personal opinion?
