Friday, February 09, 2007

PhD progress report

I topped 100 000 words on my PhD notes today, so I thought a progress report on Edible Sacraments and Legible Words: an examination of relationships between the doctrines of the Lord’s Supper and the Scriptures with particular reference to the Reformed Evangelical tradition and to the Church of England, may be in order.

I have:

8 246 words on Warfield's doctrine of Scripture which I think are ready to hand in.
24 646 words of continuous prose, but much work needed (some just headings, some cancerous and gone to seed)
101 694 words of notes, mainly on books and articles filed by author.

I need 80 000 words, including footnotes, which make an original and significant contribution to scholarship and which are in principle worthy of publication.

I've supposedly spent 25% of my working time on this project for the previous 2 years and all of my time since September.

I get ordained on 30th June, d.v., and from then on I'll try to spend a day a week on it till its done.

The Church of England have kindly been paying for it all.

The next stage is to write up the contribution of speech act theory to the doctrine of Scripture. Then maybe semiotics. Then the Lord's Supper (perhaps interacting with Calvin).

You can see the 5 pasges of handouts to accompany a presentation I gave about the project this time last year. Nothing much has changed! :)

But hum ho. Its nearly the weekend and it'll be time to watch Wales thrashing Scotland (actually) soon this week!

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