Friday, February 02, 2007

Lookalikes & Facebook

Students of the Psalms should avoid confusing my old tutor, John Day, author of the Sheffield Academic / T&T Clark guide to the Psalms with John N. Day, author of Crying For Justice: What the Psalms teach about Mercy and Vengeance in an Age of Terrorism (IVP). I suspect the theology is quite different.

I was pleased to see, by the way, The Society for the appreciation of Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. John Day (B.A., Dphil, DD), on Facebook.

I’m still waiting for my wife to tell me what Facebook is for and how to use it. I’m sure the young people have discovered that it could offer all sorts of distraction opportunities.

As I think Ros pointed out, one can join The Garry Williams Fan Club.

Also not to be confused are my old student pastor, Vaughan Roberts, now Rector of St Ebbe's, Oxford and Vaughan Roberts the author of “Reframing the UCCF Doctrinal Basis,” Theology 45 (1992): 432-46.


  1. Well I've wasted several pleasant minutes on the Friend Game.

  2. What's that then? Don't want to waste a moment of researh time, after all.

  3. Well on my profile page there's a place you can click on The Friend Game. It gives you a fact and 5 of your friends and you have to choose which one has it listed. Obviously the more friends you have, the more difficult the game becomes.
