Saturday, February 10, 2007

Library Thing (updated)

Now this looks really good. (HT: John Barach)

You can automatically import and export bibliographical details. Click on a book in Amazon and Library thing downloads all the details. It can check Library of Congress for you. Quite amazing.

You can even use your mobile when in a bookshop to check if you already own a book.

The wonders of modern technology.


Mrs Lloyd and I have very much enjoyed adding over 200 of our books (by typing in their ISBN numbers) today.

Its amazing what can be fun when its not PhD work!

If you live in the States they'll send you a bar code scanner for $20, I think, which would make the whole thing much easier and more fun.

We've done all the books in our tiny flat and all of the books on one of my small black book shelvs in the study. One more book shelf, 2 more walls of books and the remaining stash in Wales to be done.

I look forward to working out what the benifits are and reaping them.

In the mean time, you can look at some of my books (6 random ones on the right) or all of the entered so far ones on Library Thing. We can discuss the books and see who else owns them or has a library like mine, I believe.

If you'd like to borrow anying and vaguely know me, do ask. I think I can record that you've got it on-line so the world will know if you default - not that you would, of course.


  1. Thank you Marc - this is brilliant!

  2. Do you ship to the States?

  3. Ros, I'm sure we could come up with some sort of deal that's to our advantage.

  4. Anonymous11:22 am

    I don't even have time to read the books in my library, let alone catalogue them! Oh to be a PhD student...

  5. Anonymous8:40 pm

    Does this qualify me for a link in your sidebar? =)
