Wednesday, February 07, 2007

British Library Research Jolly day 2

Yes, I used wireless interweb technology for the first time today from my desk. Magic.

I’m at desk number 2175 today and I’m finding it a bit hard to find after leaving it. It has more natural light than yesterday’s, which is nice. Indeed, this blog post is brought to you from that very spot. Amazing.

It turns out the button that I thought might be to call an attendant is in fact for the attendant to call me to attend the collection desk if one of my called for items has arrived!

Stupidly came in without a pencil today. Pens are illegal contraband.

If you happen to be in the Humanities reading room right now and I'm looking lost or without a pencil....

Some of that speech act / pragmatics stuff of how to get someone to give you a pencil without asking might be of use.

Right, time to make the most of the café, I think.

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