Monday, February 12, 2007

Bongo Bongo Recital

I'm very sorry that despite ED's clever advertising campaign, and growing rumours, I have to disappoint my public: I will not be performing in the Oak Hill College Namagongo Recital this Friday at 5:30pm in the chapel.

And despite the title, I'm afraid the event is not an extravaganza of African drumming. The concert so named after Uganda Martyrs' Seminary, Namagongo, whom we at Oak Hill support.

Depsite my absence from the billing, Mrs Lloyd will be dazzling all comers with whizzy renditions of two fantastic works: Debuessy Pour Le (La?) Piano and Chopin Impromtu (planned).

I am especially looking forward to the Field / Towner duet. Is there no end to their talents?


  1. Is that Mr or Mrs Field (or indeed Field, minor) playing with Towner? And what will they be delighting you with?

  2. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Mrs. although a Mr. Field piece would be very funny!

  3. Anonymous10:55 pm

    And while we are on the subject...don't forget to buy your tickets priced £3 from me, Gavin Walker or Rachel Browning.

    I'm not sure how the news that Mr (should that be Dr??) Field and Marc are not performing will hit ticket sales though

  4. I expect the sales will shoot through the roof at that good news.

    Sadly I can't make it.

  5. Mrs Field & I will (DV) be playing a piano duet version of Handel's 'Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' which is great fun.

    We just went through it this afternoon - and it is fair to say that my next few days will include some piano practice...

    Any suggestions for pieces Mr Field & I should work up for the next recital will be gratefully recieved!

  6. Andrew, how about the two piano arrangement of the Rite of Spring?

  7. Well, as I recall, there's only one piano in chapel. Might be a bit of a problem.

  8. Matthew, I was thinking of something a little trickier - more challenging. I don't want to ask DF to play below himself!

  9. Or maybe Fieldy could have the piano in chapel and Towner could bash his part out from the piano in the dining room?

  10. Anonymous9:00 pm

    The important thing is a huge wod of cash was made to help train African pastors. Well done to the musicians who played brilliantly.

    Now for the auction -and probably as hilarious as Mr Lloyd on the bongos I'm playing football on Wednesday!
