Friday, February 09, 2007

Attributes and Persons of God

Some interesting discussion in "Conversational Theology" over coffee with SJ & ED these last two days.

God's persons are not his attributes. Because of simplicity, this would lead to confusing the persons and hence modalism (with each of the persons just a perspective on God).

Rather, all the attributes of God are to be predicated of the persons since God is his persons. He only exists as the persons, there is no 4th thing called God that stands behind or under the persons of whom / which we may speak.

Truth and rationality, on the other hand, can be thought of as attributes of God and so God's truth is his rationality, considered in its essence, in God himself, though they should be distinguished from a human perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I found this post very edifying meditaion on the nature of God.

    Thank you Marc.

    Good to see you've upped your activity in the blogosphere.
