Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What would Jesus Eat?!

Its quite amazing some of the stuff is promoting (ie. emailing me about, for some reason):

"Christian" Diet Books

The Makers Diet Book & Day-by-Day Journal,
CBD Price: $19.99

The Hallelujah Diet,
CBD Price: $11.99

What Would Jesus Eat?, Paperback Edition,
CBD Price: $7.99

"Christian" Exercise Helps

Sweating in the Spirit DVD,

CBD Price: $15.99

PraiseMoves: The Christian Alternative to Yoga, DVD,
CBD Price: $12.99

Fit 4 Life: Gospel Workout, Compact Disc [CD],
CBD Price: $8.99


  1. Anonymous11:02 pm

    welcoem to the wonderful world of being a targetable demographic :-)

  2. Is anyone else tempted to buy one of those DVD's just to see what they are like?
    Oh, maybe you should use it when leading in Friday's different and probably nothing like BCP!!!!

  3. Oh yes! I want to see photos of people 'Sweating in the Spirit'
