Monday, January 15, 2007


Since incense smells lovely and looks so good (if not overdone) and is biblical (being refered to in the NT and used in heaven) I don't understand why we evangelicals don't use it as a sign of our prayers ascending to the Father and being sweet to him? Experimental Friday chapel, anyone? Or we could get some way-up-the-candle-stick bishop in to do it on a Thursday, I guess? Or perhaps the next free church communion?


  1. You're not afraid of controversy, are you?

    I hope no one important reads this comment. I have to confess to being a closet incense lover. We had it a few times in BNC Chapel at the termly Sunday Eucharist, until the thurifer put on too much charcoal one time and the Principal got cross and banned it.

    If heavenly worship is a pattern for eartly worship (I hope no one has a problem with me using the word 'worship' to describe what happens in church) in the area of liturgy (responsorial singing, liturgical posture etc.) then it would seem that incense were appropriate. I suspect the association with propitiatory sacrifice in the OT might be problematic, although as you say, the New Testament uses it as a symbol of prayer. The Bible must regulate our worship, not sniffiness about other traditions.

    It would be fun if you had it in your chapel. I'd love to hear what all those from St. Ebbe's had to say about it next time they came back to Oxford for a visit.

    Liam is an authority on the different flavours, by the way, and he can do all sorts of tricks with the thurible. A sort of Anglo-Catholic equivalent of the Yo Yo.

  2. You're not afraid of controversy, are you?

    I hope no one important reads this comment. I have to confess to being a closet incense lover. We had it a few times in BNC Chapel at the termly Sunday Eucharist, until the thurifer put on too much charcoal one time and the Principal got cross and banned it.

    If heavenly worship is a pattern for eartly worship (I hope no one has a problem with me using the word 'worship' to describe what happens in church) in the area of liturgy (responsorial singing, liturgical posture etc.) then it would seem that incense were appropriate. I suspect the association with propitiatory sacrifice in the OT might be problematic, although as you say, the New Testament uses it as a symbol of prayer. The Bible must regulate our worship, not sniffiness about other traditions. It would certainly show that the whole person is to be engaged in the worship of God, not just the mind, in much the same way as kneeling for prayer does.

    It would be fun if you had it in your chapel. I'd love to hear what all those from St. Ebbe's had to say about it next time they came back to Oxford for a visit.

    Liam is an authority on the different flavours, by the way, and he can do all sorts of tricks with the thurible. A sort of Anglo-Catholic equivalent of the Yo Yo.

  3. I dare you to ask Marian for some, Marc. And I want photographic evidence of Skippy's face when you start swinging it around.

  4. Thank you for the great comment, Daniel. So good they posted it twice.

    I quite agree with you.

    I think incense might tend to express our access to the Father (our prayers really do rise to him and are pleasing to him) rather than lack of access, OT cult, need for propitiatory sacrifice other than that of the Lord Jesus Christ etc., as I know some fear.

    Yes, there are many old-Ebbe's at Oak Hill, including me of course, by the time they get to the 4th year I reckon they might at least be open to it? Well, maybe.

    I do agree with the Principle of BNC though that it can easily be overdone. I was once staying in a monestary where an old man (the abbot, perhaps, though hard to know as they were a silent order) individually incesnsed all of the members of the congregation (and the icons!) in our faces. I had to try very hard not to cough and sneeze in his face.

  5. Ros, I'd do almost anything for a fiver. And only in pounds sterling, which might be prohibitive with the current exchange rate. Will gladly ask Mazza. DP's leaving anyway isnt he...
