Saturday, January 20, 2007

Edible Words Website

This is a promising new resourse with a great name.

Edible Words is a living resource to help the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper play their fullest role in the life of reformed churches.

Edible Words is a community website containing meditations written to prepare a congregation to welcome new members by Baptism, or to share together in the Lord's Supper.

EdibleWords has been devised with busy elders / pastors / teachers in mind.

Such people may wish to lead a congregation in a short meditation before celebrating the Lord's Supper or administering Baptism. But time to prepare such meditations may well be less than the desire to give them.

EdibleWords provides a forum for such people to share the meditations that they have prepared, to the benefit of other reformed church leaders.

EdibleWords will also be a resource for those who would value such meditations, but they are not used in the church they attend.

1 comment:

  1. I hope to see your contributions up on the website soon...
