Monday, October 16, 2006

Paper & ink; bread & wine

Here is Douglas Wilson comparing the fact that the Bible is nothing but paper and ink to the fact that the elements we recieve in the Lord's Supper are nothing but bread and wine, though both Bible and Supper are far more than the physical elements.

What are the conventions for footnoting blog posts, I wonder? The college will probably producing a supplamentary booklet to set out the regulations, I imagine.


  1. would Garry Williams allow it or would it be seen as a bit pop culture?

  2. Just the same as for any other internet site. Make sure you click on the link to the individual post, rather than the 'front page' of the blog (since this will change) then note down the full address and the date you read it.

    It may also be worth noting that it was a blog post because this does identify it as a slightly different genre.
