Saturday, September 09, 2006

Autograph Hunting & The Quest for The Holy Grail

On and off for the last couple of years I’ve been trying to ponder possible connections between the Lord’s Supper and the Scriptures, with varying degrees of plausibility.

I wonder if there might be some mileage in thinking about our attitudes to the original inspired autographs of Scripture and the original elements in the Lord’s Supper, or perhaps even The Holy Grail.

Some of Warfield’s detractors criticise his doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture as useless or merely theoretical because it speaks only of the original (now lost) autographs as inerrant, and not the subsequent versions and translations on which we depend. Yet evangelicals in the Warfield tradition have usually thought of translations as valid, while still seeking to get as close to the original text as possible. Similarly, we would not usually make too much fuss about the original elements used by Our Lord, not bothering trying to get exactly the same type of leavened or unleavened bread, or wine and so on, as Jesus first used. A fixation with the lost autographs might be compared with the quests for the lost Grail.

1 comment:

  1. Someone could write a book about it.

    Or maybe an hilarious film.
