Monday, August 21, 2006

No Book Meme Links

I've still not done that one book meme thing, partly as I'm not sure I feel about that "tagging" thing, but mainly because I don't want to be exposed as ignorant! Maybe in 30 years time.

For what its worth, I've re-read Lord of the Rings a couple of times, it made me cry and I'm in favour of it, though some of the poems / songs seem skipable to me. Sorry if that adds me to the geek gang.

In the absence of my answers to the book meme thing, maybe My Amazon list - - also on the right - may be of some interest to some. You get nice pictures of most of the books and you can add up to 200 chrs of comment. The site seems a bit tempramental, though.

You may have spotted that I've added a few more links on the right too. Most of them fairly predictable. Not the most productive of days!

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