Monday, July 31, 2006

Stupid on-line quiz survey thing

A couple of my friends (who have blogs of which I am an avid reader) seem to be into these stupid on-line quiz survey thingies. On Ros Clarke's blog there is a computer generated attempt to summarize her excellent Biblical Reformed and I think it's safe to say Post-Millenial, Law-loving views. The usually discerning Liam Beadle's blog is covered in a rash of the things and a number of his Christian friends seem to be spending a fair amount of profitlless gospel-man-hours on the things.

Such quizes properly belong to teenage girls' magazines, to my mind?

So can someone please wax lyrical on the attraction of such surveys?

Yes, I admit, I feel mildly interested, but I'm not sure I can be bothered - especially when there's all that work (reading Warfield) to be getting on with... That's why I've spent most of the morning checking the blogs and why I was most disappointed that no one joined us for coffee and chat in the academic centre foyer this morning. We'd even brought along homemade biscuits. What more can one do?

Anyway, yes, I admit, I did one of these surveys, and it called me a fundamentalist! Can you believe it? Which has rather put me in a grump with them. Stupid things. I'm inclined to unthinkingly reject that scientific finding with which I disagree and remain a Reformed Protestant Catholic (Conservative) Evangelical Christian Anglican, whatever the world says.

For what it's worth, the results were:

You scored as Fundamentalist.

You are a fundamentalist. You take the Bible as the foundation of your faith and read it very literally, and it shapes your worldview. Non-fundamentalist Christians have watered-down the Gospel in your view, and academic study of the Bible stops us from 'taking God at his word.' Science is opposed to faith, as it contradicts basic biblical truths.

Neo orthodox




Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Reformed Evangelical


Roman Catholic




Classical Liberal




Modern Liberal


For those wishing to waste their time and probably be misinforned, if not slanderd, the theological world-view quiz can be found at:, I believe.


  1. Yours doesn't seem to come with a picture of an appropriate fundamentalist. Suitable suggestions?

  2. And maybe it's because I'm still a teenage girl at heart that I love these things. Dunno what Liam's excuse is though.

  3. Ros, it did come with a picture, actually, but I didn't recognise him, or even take note of who he was, and didn't include it. He looked kinda American - white hair and a suit, I seem to recall,

  4. Anonymous6:00 pm

    It called me a Wesleyan! I was most affronted, though my Ref Evangelical score was only 2% behind. I thought a number of the questions could be understood in mutually exclusive ways (eg, Is it possible to fall away from grace and make shipwreck of your faith? Federal Vision answer: yes, though not denying preservation of the saints).

    I would just like to make clear to anyone reading this, I am not a Wesleyan. Even Fundy would have been better.

  5. Yes, I totally agree, Neil: its rubbish. No one could possibly have you down as a Weslyan.

    There are some comments on Liam's blog discussing the ambiguous nature of the questions and whether or not one should seek to answer the question hidden behind the question.

    The quiz thingy even asked me a tie-breaker question, about did I prefer Karl Barth to a literal interpretation of Genesis, I think.

  6. I love that you had a tie-breaker!

  7. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Neil - I'm a wesleyan like you, though like the rest of you I take this with the largest pinch of salt. This is less quiz and more irritating list of false dichotomies.

  8. It seems I must add myself to the list of Wesleyans. The reformed evangelical, then neo-orthodox. The only surprising things was that fundamentalist came so low on the list (54%) - only 8% above emergent/postmodern. Marc, perhaps you and I need to talk to help iron out the non-extremities in my theology. Good job I've got two more years to go at the fundamentalist/faschistic/evil-right-wing/taleban training college.

    Also, is anyone else troubled that Marc is 29% classical Liberal?
