Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Spending my days

You can see an updated version of a presentation I gave in Feb on my big fat research project via my other web space here.

Its called 'Legible Words and Edible Sacraments' and it examines the Reformed Evangelical doctrines of the Lord's Supper and the Scripture in the light of one another and tries to relate them to one another for Evangelical Anglicans.

The lovely research degrees panel of the Church of England kindly noted the importance of the project, gave full funding and reccomended that it be turned into a PhD as continuing ministerial education in the parish. Praise God!

Now I ought to stop blogging and get on with some work on it.

I'm going to be spending my days on it over the summer, after marriage and honeymoon and moving house and around camp and an Oak Hall trip and blogging, of course.

Comments and questions and all your help are most welcome!

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