Thursday, May 11, 2006

What is a rhetorical sermon for?

Useful discussion with Revd Dr Michael Ovey in Christians in the Modern World lecture today:

Is a sermon:

(a) political / deliberative – an exhortation of positives and negatives, telling us what we should do in the future, “let us…”

(b) forensic / legal – accusation and defence – considers the past – looks for justice – “he is guilty”

(c) epideictic – ceremonial / display oratory – praise / censure – occupied with the present – seeks honour or shame – “he is wonderful”

Surely the Lord’s day sermon is all three.

(a) the minister persuades the people to offer themselves as living sacrifices to God

(b) the minister accuses sinners, defends the righteous and vindicates God and looks to God to smite his enemies and rescue his people

(c) the minister performs a liturgical function of praising God, establishing the limits of God’s people etc.

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