Wednesday, March 29, 2006

They Work For You

There seems to be so much to protest about in the current government, these tools might help:

They Work For You - - lets you find out about your MP and search
everything said in the Commons since 2001 by key word, or for an MP or constituency. “Jesus” got 87 mentions, “Mohammed” 199.

Public Whip - - lets you search how MPs voted by name, postcode, constituency or subject.

Write to them - - allows you to email for fax your political representatives.

These clever things were set up by the (largely volunteer?) boffins at
mySociety - - who "build websites which give people simple, tangible benefits in the civic and community aspects of their lives”.

You can keep tabs on what the Bishops in the Lords are up to with these. We could use similar things for General Synod and the House of Bishops, if there’s a techy with lots of spare time....

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