Friday, March 03, 2006

Preaching that changes the world

Here's Gary North's observations about doctrines that can be preached to capture hearts and minds so as to bring about social change:

The most effective social movements of the twentieth century’s masses – Marxism, Darwinian science, and militant Islam – have held variations of the three doctrines that are crucial for any comprehensive program of social change: providence, law, and optimism. The Christian faith offers all three of these, not in a secular framework but in a revelational framework. The failure of Christianity to capture the minds of the masses, not to mention the world’s leaders, is in part due to the unwillingness of the representatives of Christian orthodoxy to preach all three with uncompromising clarity.

North, Gary, “Free Market Capitalism” in Clouse, Robert G. (ed.), Wealth & Poverty: Four Christian Views of Economics (Downers Grove, IVP, 1984) , p57

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