Friday, March 17, 2006

Peter Tatchell

The BBC and the radio listings seem to have accepted pro-gay activist Peter Tatchell's re-branding of himself as "Human Rights Campaigner".


  1. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Have just been listening to him spouting utter nonsense on Any Questions. Asked about the testing of drugs, his response was that he wouldn't take part in a trial of a drug which had previously been tested on animals since the physiological differences are too great to make it a reliable trial. Well done, Peter! That's why it's called a human trial. What's the alternative, not testing it on animals at all, just go straight to humans? Hmm, like that'll be safer!

    Or - his idea, when pushed to see the ludicrous logic of his position - lets have computer simulated trials and then give new drugs to people.

    Think I'd still prefer a rat to try it first, Peter.

  2. Anonymous4:55 pm

    So, let me be clear Ros, you're suggesting that Peter Tatchell tries all drugs before they're tested on humans?
