Monday, February 20, 2006

How Many Covenants?

Doug Wilson's book Federal Husband conatins a mini-crash course on Covenant Theology.

Here's a nice bit:

All of these covenants [with Adam, Abraham, Moses, David etc.] were a prelude to the coming of Christ. Believers should not think of separated pacts or contracts throughout history. The believer must think of a growing child, a fruitful tree, a bud unfolding into a flower. We must understand the organic continuity of the covenants. The continuity is found in a Person and reflects the solitary redemptive purpose of God from the beginning of history to the end of it, always expressed in a covenant. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of the New Covenant now (Heb. 8:6); has always been the Lord of the New Covenant (1 Cor. 10:1-13); and ministers throughout all history (Heb. 9:15).

(Wilson, Douglas, Federal Husband (Moscow, Canon Press, 1999), p.14-15)

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