Saturday, January 14, 2006


The official RC doctrine of purgatory is scripturaly and systematically indefensible and poisonous to Biblical theology.

Calvin is right in urging upon Bible- believers the necessity of the refutation of the doctrine: “…since purgatory is constructed out of many blasphemies and daily propped up by new ones, and since it incites to many grave offences, it is clearly not to be winked at…. When expiation of sins is sought elsewhere than in the blood of Christ, when satisfaction is transferred elsewhere, silence is very dangerous. Therefore, we must cry out with the shouting not only of our voices but of our throats and lungs that purgatory is a deadly fiction of Satan, which nullifies the cross of Christ, inflicts unspeakable contempt upon God’s mercy, and overturns and destroys our faith”

Calvin, Institutes, III, v, 6. Ford-Battles edition p676. Note that Calvin differed from Melanchthon, whom Calvin says dissembled on this point, thinking that the result of speaking out would be fierce conflicts but little edification, n13.

My essay against the modern official Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory is here.

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